Hot Takes: January 13th


A womanizing, 100-year old tortoise whose rampant sex life may have single-handedly saved his entire species from extinction has retired from his playboy lifestyle, returning to the wild with his mission accomplished! Diego has been credited as a major reason for the survival of his fellow giant tortoises on Espanola, part of the Galapagos Islands, after being shipped over from the San Diego Zoo as part of a breeding program. When he started his campaign of promiscuity, there were just 2 males and 12 females of his species alive on the island! Hot Take: I heard he’s broke because of child support!

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The line has been long and non-stop at the recreational marijuana dispensary in Collinsville. But that won't be the case today. Collinsville's recreational marijuana dispensary is closing for 1 day after 'unprecedented demand’! The dispensary needs to restock and the employees need to recharge, the business said. Hot Take: The employees needed a re-charge...after 2 weeks of work??

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Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber were spotted at the same restaurant, Selena was out celebrating her album that’s very clearly about Justin Bieber and Hailey was spotted in the restaurant at the same time. HOT TAKE: I am team Selena! You were too good for Justin in the first place. Let Hailey have him, Justin looks like every guy you meet at a gas station.

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Vladamir Tarasenko is struggling to sell his mansion and has dropped the price once again, its dropped from 2.3 million to 1.9 million. Hot take: he's over charging still for that mansion. 51 mansions have sold in St. Louis County none of them were that expensive in parkway north location. STL cares about location. 

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Kansas woman makes $80 an hour as professional cuddler, Yes this is a real thing! You can get a professional cuddle at Hot Take where do I apply at!

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Adele loses 100 pounds, but Adele's beach photo spark concern she's too thin according tonTMZ Hot Take She looks good! Leave her alone! People are always hating on something.

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