Hot Takes: February 3rd


Wild, Herpes-Infected Monkeys Have Arrived in Florida! “The potential ramifications are really dire,” University of Florida primate scientist Dr. Steve Johnson said. “A big male … that’s an extremely strong, potentially dangerous animal.” Hot Take: Florida will likely be the place where the zombie apocalypse begins.

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The President made a congratulatory tweet to the Super Bowl winning Kansas City Chiefs that is making some noise this morning. He goes on to say ‘You represented the great state of Kansas, and in fact, the entire USA’. Hot Take: Who wants to be the one to tell him?

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A woman left China due to the corona Virus and came back to STL! They lived outside of Beijing for four years but decided the Corona virus was too scary and came back to STL HotTake: WHO LET HER IN?! Like who invited her here?! Its not corona time girl

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Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling had a bet since they were kids over who would kiss Jessica Simpson first, according to Jessica Simpsons new book. She claims after her divorce to Nick Lachey she kissed Timberlake and he instantly texted Gosling saying he won. HOT TAKE: I don't believe any of this, like who remembers a bet from 1993?? I’m calling fake news on Jessica Simpson.

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10 years ago, Demi Lovato tweeted that she wanted to perform at the big game and her dream came true last night and she killed it. Hot Take: It's not better than Whitney Houston's, but I would say that this is one of the best performances in a long time.

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At the game last night they were charging $28 for a burger...drink not included. Hot Take: Naw dog, I don't care how rich I am, I'm not paying $28 for a burger when I can go to McDonalds and get one for a dollar and eight cent. Yes i know the exact price i used to eat there a lot don't judge me, but I could have Bill Gates money and still wouldn't pay $28 for a burger.

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