Friday: Bentwood Community Center is Halloween skate: Skate in Halloween-themed event for kids of all ages. Make sure to wear your costume. Space is limited. Preregister is required.
Saturday: This Saturday is the St. Louis KIDS EXPO at North County Recreation Complex it’s the 10th Anniversary. No appointment is needed just pull up. They are giving away food, hygiene products, toys, and resource information. That’s this Saturday Noon until 3PM. at North County Recreation Complex
Saturday: Virtual CWE Halloween Costume Contest This year, the neighborhood’s costume contest goes virtual, and viewers will be able to vote for their favorites to win $5,000 in cash and prizes. You must register in advance for a private filming, where they will walk the runway in costume. The video will be released Oct. 29th, and voters will choose the winners, who will be announced on Halloween night. Filming is 1PM until 5PM this Saturday.