Hot Takes: February 5th


Doctors and nurses are influencers now! Fashion and beauty influencers have been earning fame on social media for some time. Now, medical professionals are going on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube to get their brands out there and to make some extra cash. Hot Take: I don’t trust influencers. I don’t even trust myself with some things!

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MMA star Pat Sabatini may have earned a lot of respect over the weekend, but he lost his Championship featherweight title and had his arm broken. Sabatini suffered a gruesome broken arm as he refused to quit, just 46 seconds into the first round of the fight. Hot Take: I always knew being a quitter would be the right move at some point! Just put some Vicks on it, it’ll be fine in no time!

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Billy Ray Cyrus confirmed they are working on a Hannah Montana Prequel! He also said he's mostly excited because it means he gets to grow his mullet back out. HOT TAKE:Are we positive we wanna put Miley Cyrus as a children's idol again?? I mean… did we forget wrecking ball?

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A cruise ship had to has placed 3,700 people in quarentine after discovering 10 were tested positive for corona virus. Hot Take: Cruise ships are al infested with germ and diseases and I refuse to go on one, they should've known they'd get corona

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Meghan the Stallion confirmed that her and G- Eazy are not dating stating in a tweet! Hot Take: From the looks of it, something was going on. G- Eazy even posted Meghan on his IG.

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Cody Simpson shows Miley Cyrus popping his back pimple and Twitter went crazy about it. Hot Take: What's the big deal about that? I don't want to be with a girl who doesn't want to pop my pimples. It's nothing wrong with what Miley Cyrus did. It was on his back, he couldn't even see it. That's love.

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