A Connecticut woman sparked a fatal apartment fire by igniting a bottle of hand sanitizer and chucking it at her girlfriend during an arguement, a report said. She now faces murder charges for the blaze and was held on $1 million bond at her arraignment. Hot Take: Did she even know the value of hand sanitizer these days?
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A glitch in the city's parking ticket system has led to a defect that may mean you have more tickets than you think. It's the dreaded yellow envelope you see on your windshield when you forgot to feed the meter, only now you’ll have extra tickets to pay. Hot Take: Let’s just get rid of all parking meters altogether!
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You can get paid $4,500 to get infected with the coronavirus, and be in isolation for two weeks. This is all a part of study to find a vaccinne HOT TAKE: Sign me up! Id do the study just for the two weeks of isolation
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The corona virus toliet paper shortage has finally come to St. Louis! Stores are running out and places are now putting limits no the amount of TP you can buy. Hot Take: even the sams club and costco was outta TP and when sams club and costcos both dont have know its a problem.
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Whitney Houston’s hologram tour kicked off. Check out the video below Hot Take why do I love this and it creeps me out at the same time.
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Apple is testing a new iMessage feature that would allow users to unsend text messages in new IOS update! Hot Take I needed this in high school.
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