It's a New Year so the old cliche resolution memes are hitting your social feeds. Well, working out or eating healthy may a bit cliche but they still hold true. These 2 resolutions still make the top of most lists. Starting a New Year we always want to be our best. It's a way of thinking positively about the next 12 months. I decided to get healthy back in 2017 but stuck to the old school ideas of what healthy meant to me, working out, eating less, cutting out fat and calories. Organic just meant more expensive in my mind. I didn't really take the time to think about what ingredients are really in the food I was eating, I just looked at fat and sugar/carb content, until I made the commitment to give up sugar and limit processed food. I started seeking out ideas about what to buy at the grocery store. We really do have way to many choices. YouTube is a great source and I was super excited when I came across FlavCity with Bobby Parrish. Bobby hits a variety of stores on his channel. This one is great since I do the majority of my shopping at ALDI. I admit, I haven't always gone as clean as he recommends but, I'm working on it. Still a penny pincher. Just being in the know is a major leap ahead and always turning the package over to check out the ingredients, it helps to know what the ingredients actually are. Check out Bobby's top 20 things to buy video below.