High Ridge man gave woman Monopoly money in exchange for an iPhone. Hot Take: Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
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It’s Girl Scout Cookie season, and there’s a new flavor that comes with a surprise message! Each cookie is stamped with positive messages such as “I am a leader,” “I am gutsy” and “I am a go-getter.” HOT TAKE: I’m Hungry! And shout-out to the Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri for dropping some cookies off for us!
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Lori Loughlin might get out without any prison time, basically all the bribery scandal is around the sports director and checks made out to him but loris check was made out to USC and not the sports director. The ringleader like the guy who got celebs to bribe the athletic director also apparently told lori that her 200,000 check was to help a charity. Hot take: she knew what she was doing. She faked a photo her daughter pretending she was on a crew team, she knew.
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BIG NEWS FROM THE ROYAL FAMILY! Meghan Markle and prince harry decided to step down as senior members of the royal family. They said, “after many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have determined to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution.” Basically they will be sharing their time in the UK and well as the US and abroad and will no longer be funded by the British people by will continue to support the Queen. HOT TAKE: people will hate Meghan markle over this.
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Taco Bell is bringing back nacho fries January 30th! Hot Take I'm breaking my new year resolution and buying them.
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Sidney Keys III from St. Louis is the focus of Marvel's Hero Project. Marvel's Hero Project is a series of short films about young people who are making a difference. Sidney is featured because e founded and runs "Books n Bros, a book club for African American and other boys 7 to 13years old. Hot Take This Friday Sidney is the focus of "The Spectacular Sidney" available on Disney Plus.
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