Hot Takes: January 31st


PETA Demands Groundhog Day's Punxsutawney Phil Be Replaced by an AI Robot. "Times change. Traditions evolve. It's long overdue for Phil to be retired," PETA president and founder Ingrid Newkirk said, calling for a stop to the abuse of an innocent rodent. Hot Take: It’s Punxsutawney PETE now since Phil passed away a few years ago...but you think since PETA cares so much for animals that they’d know that!

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Men Who Own Luxury Cars Are Often Jerks! A new study in the Journal Of International Psychology finds that many owners of high-status luxury cars are a-holes! They are self-centered men who are argumentative, stubborn, disagreeable and unempathetic. Hot Take: I drive a Mazda 6, so, take from that what you will!

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Dan + Shay, Pitbull, and DJ Khaled set to perform this Sunday at the big game Pregame Show. Hot Take this should be the halftime show performance! Not J-Lo and Shakira! Come on man. The only hit song Shakira has is hips don’t lie!

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According to TMZ Jeff Bezos the owner of Amazon made $13 Billion in 15 minutes. Before the Stock Market closed yesterday, Amazon stock jumped 12 percent. Hot Take if you understand how the stock market works hit me up ASAP I am down to invest the money! I could use it to pay off my student loans and ticket!

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