I vividly remember as a young Ray Gee, worshiping the Spice Girls and thinking their bus was the COOLEST thing since sliced bread. From Baby Spice's swing, to Posh Spice's Runway, and all of the iconic scenes with the bus in the Spice World movie it was my dream to hang on that bus. Even with the renovations it still looks very Spice-alicious (I think I just made that word up).
So get ready to Spice Up Your Life or at least your next vacation with renting the Spice Girls Double Decker Bus as your next Airbnb! Ya gotta be quick though, it's only offered June 14th and 15th in Wembley Park in London. Booking opens May 22nd at 8 am.
Who is buying my plane ticket to London if I book this bad boy? Say You'll Be There!
Which Spice Girl did you claim? Young me was Baby Spice but as I've gotten older I align more with Scary Space 100%
Same, Ginger.
(Source: Bustle)