I Meal Prepped Burger Bowls This Week

I try to meal prep at least once a week for a number of reasons:

  1. It keeps me on track with eating (somewhat) healthy
  2. It helps me with time management since I tend to be busy AF
  3. It stops me from being lazy AF and ordering food when I shouldn't be
  4. Leftovers (homemade) are always the move

I also try to meal prep with minimal ingredients as some of these recipes out here are ridiculous and my presentation is never as on point as these food bloggers anyway. These burger bowls turned out awesome and probably fall under one of those trendy diet categories that I can never keep up with since there's no bread involved.

Here's my recipe:

  • One sweet onion
  • ground turkey (or whatever your preference is)
  • Cheese (again your preference)
  • Pickles
  • Some type of burger sauce (I've tried with it mustard and something that resembles big mac sauce)

I chopped the onions up and cooked them first and then put in the meat and seasoned accordingly. Then when I'm ready to eat them, I sprinkled some cheese the meat/onion combo- I used a four cheese blend, heat it up, slap some pickles on it and dress it up. Today I put avocado on it :) You can fancy it up with how you see fit, this is what I had on hand at the house!

All in all it took me ~10 min to make and now I have lunch all week.

What did you have for lunch today? Drop a pic below or share a recipe that you use to meal prep.

You can also tag me in your food pics on your socials at @raygeeonair and we'll compare lunches. I'm all about that foodie life!

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