We're well into 2019 and I've realized there are A LOT of "National Drinking Days." I mean..today is National IPA Day (you celebrating!?!) and there have been plenty of others in the past couple weeks that I didn't get to participate in because I didn't get the memo... except National Tequila Day.. that was celebrated extensively.
SO, in order to prepare for future celebrations I decided to look up ALL of the national drinking holidays that occur in 2019. I didn't realize just how many there'd be so it's safe to say I will be sitting some of these out but here's some of the upcoming ones I'm looking forward to:
- August 18th- Pinot Noir Day.. I really like Estancia
- The whole month of September is California Wine Month and Bourbon Heritage Month so RIP to my liver
- October 4th- Vodka Day.. Vodka is tricky for me but I LOVE a good dirty martini
- December 20th- Sangria Day.. are you team red or white?
- December 31st.. Champagne Day... because I can be a bit boujee
There are a ton more including non alcoholic days to celebrate so check em out at thirstymag.com!
This guy is ready to party