Hotel Employees Call Police After Mistaking Loud Sex for Fight

Ah the passionate sounds of love...

Those sounds can get a bit intense apparently as two employees of a Days Inn in Maryland mistook two women's love making as a full on brawl.

Police responded to the call and after they talked to both of the women, they had them pack up and leave.

But one of the lady lovers forgot her cellphone in the room and while an officer escorted her back to grab it all hell broke loose in the lobby.

The other lady lover decided she was going to give the hotel employees a piece of her mind, which apparently ended up with her pulling out a gun and pointing it at the on-duty security guard.

She was restrained and arrested, and is facing multiple charges.

I've heard of things getting kinky in the bedroom but ending up handcuffed, in a cop car and facing charges? That's extreme!

I imagine the arrest going something like this^

(Photo by: Getty Images)

(Source Fox2now)

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