I'm sure you've heard Australia is on fire right now and they need our help. Almost half a billion animals have died in the fire, people are losing their homes/communities/lives and firefighters/volunteers are doing everything they can. Celebrities have donated money and are starting Gofundme's to ask for help, links are being shared on how you can help, and some people are taking matters into their own hands. Like social media model Kaylen Ward aka THE NAKED PHILANTHROPIST. Known for her racy photos, she shared a page of links you can donate to to help Australia offering her followers 1 nude for every $10 donated. People were quick to respond both positively and negatively of course because social media... but it looks like the good outweighed the bad! She ended up raising $100k for various wildfire fundrasiers. Some people even donated stating they didn't need the nudes but wanted to commend her on her sexy selfless act.
Instagram did not approve of her fundraising and ended up deactivating her account because apparently asking for money for nudes is a huge no no.. even if it is to help save lives. DailyMail reached out for a response and Kaylen said "My IG got deactivated, my family disowned me, and the guy I like won’t talk to me all because of that tweet. But f*ck it, save the koalas."
YOU GO GIRL. Stand up for what you stand on!
Her Twitter is still active as their community standards are a bit more laid back. Basically, they don't give a hoot!
Australia has gotten some rain which is so awesome but there are fires still raging, communities depleted of their resources and people and animals are in need of serious medical assistance. If you can, please donate. There is a list below!
(story via: Ruin My Week)