'Twas a fun night out with my best gals from college at my FAVORITE bar in Nashville, the world famous Tootsies Orchid Lounge, when one of my dreams came true. I finally very casually ran into a celebrity... Jon Hamm!!! and rocking his Blues gear no less...LGB!
We were watching this band play a killer rendition of 'Even Flow' by Pearl Jam when a guy in Blues gear caught my eye (can ya blame me) and I thought 'dude looks very familiar.' Being a fan of Mad Men, Bridesmaids, The Town, etc it didn't take me long at all to catch on that that 'dude' was Jon freaking Hamm! and I asked him just like that... except I may have let my excitement get the best of me and slipped out the actual curse word... woops lol
My face when he confirmed it was, in fact, him:
We exchanged that we were both from STL and I told him as annoying as it might be, I MUST get a picture with him. And he was super cool about that too...like legit, what a nice guy.
So there's my story on my quick run-in with Jon Hamm and now I can die a happy girl. Also, even flow is going down as one of my favorite songs now LOL
Side note: That was my first time wearing my cheetah skirt out and about so I'm convinced it's my lucky skirt now.